a whole new world of nom
Welcome to the latest and greatest incarnation of nom! nom! nom! blog.com! Let me take you on a little tour.
You will see some physical changes, such as the new header and general layout, but also note that there are more awesome changes within. On the Recipes page, I have reorganized the recipes by type and name (alphabetically) to make browsing the recipes easier. Within the site and each post you will see that the options for sharing have increased as well. There are now lots of ways to share the nom! with the people in your lives.
This change and facelift has put me on a new platform, new template and new server, so please update your RSS feed if you subscribe to the blog.
I can’t wait to share the new goodies that I have in store- more videos (instructional, information, etc.) and a variety of new recipes and projects, like gluten-free baking and baking with fruit juice in addition to lots of real food!
For those of you who have an interest in yoga or want to chime in on that, I have also added a link to a separate yoga blog that I am writing.
As always, thank you for your support and for reading and until next time, happy noming!
13 Responses to a whole new world of nom
Cookbook Pictures!
Squirrel’s Vegan Kitchen
Go back in time to my original blog: Squirrel's Vegan Kitchen!Tags
21.5.800 baking banana beans berries birthday breakfast brownies cakes canning chocolate cookbook cookies cooking cooking show cupcakes give away gluten free greens harry potter health holiday baking holiday meals kittehs muffins nostalgia nuts oatmeal peanut butter pie pumpkin quick eats quinoa real food recipe resolutions review soup summer TJs treat of the week vegan mofo vegan mofo 2009 video vita-mixCategories
I’m pretty psyched for the changes you’re rolling out! Great video
It was sweet to see and hear you again! And that will happen more often? Yay!
(Though that’s not a perfect substitute to seeing you for real; we’ll have to make that happen again: I miss you!)
Looking forward to seeing all that’s coming around here!
Aw, thanks Josiane! I miss you too and I hope we get to hang out again soon. Putting up videos is always a little nerve wracking, but I think it’s a dynamic medium, so I have to relax and go with it!
I was sad that you’ve removed the kitties from your header but I really like the new layout and theme! And at least I have the buttons with the kitties on them 😀
Mandee, I was sad to take them down, but it was time for a change. If you need a kitteh fix, though, scroll all the way down to the bottom. This will just force me to have to put up pictures of them more often.
Hi Kris! It’s nice to see you for the first time. I’m a huge fan of your recipes and am glad to see that you will be branching out.
Thanks, Tiana!
Congrats on the new blog/look Kris–it is lovely
And yay for future recipes that might be gluten free! By the way, I made a gluten free cake from the tester site yesterday and took it into work and no one knew the difference…it was a total hit! Yum!
Yay! Which cake did you make, Courtney?
I forget the “real” name…whatever the gluten free vanilla/white one was called? I am sorry!
Ah, the basic yellow cake. I’m glad it was such a hit!
Absolutely LOVE it!!! You blog adds sunshine to my day.
Aw, shucks. You’re making me blush.