welcome 2012!
Well, I’m usually not one for New Year’s resolutions (although, the interwebs might say otherwise). However, this year, when my future sister-in-law (F-SIL®*) suggested this cleanse, I eagerly signed on. Our motto for the year: work hard, eat clean and talk dirty!
When’s the last time I’ve posted a real food recipe? Hmm… a long time. I’ve been living off of convenience foods and weird meal plans for too long. What a better time to recalibrate and spend some quality time with my lovely family?
Today, I prepped by roasting veggies.
I also roasted a butternut squash… and then realized that I have a lot of beta carotene going on this week. I guess my initial goal is to avoid turning into George Hamilton this week.
Additional color will be added to my rainbow by way of green smoothies, lots of fruit and some roasted bell peppers, cauliflower and tahini.
I’m working up some other tasty treats to add throughout the week.
What kinds of goals are you guys working towards this year?
*I can’t take credit for F-SIL® (pronounced “eff-cil), as my brother coined the phrase.
7 Responses to welcome 2012!
Cookbook Pictures!
Squirrel’s Vegan Kitchen
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I’m doing a cleanse too … the Crazy Sexy Diet. And I’ve drank enough green juice this morning to turn into Oscar the Grouch…and I’m kinda feeling that way too because I’m hungry!! Almost time for lunch though when I get to eat a giant plate of more vegetables!!
Good luck with yours!
I have that book too, it has so many amazing recipes in it. I’ll have to see what I can incorporate into my cleanse.
Mmmm, yummy roasted veggies… It looks like your year is off to a delicious start! Happy New Year, Kris!
You, too, Josiane!
So much colour and healthiness! Good luck with your cleanse
I’m not really into resolutions but I do have a cooking goal. I’ve been living off of convenience foods for most of December and I’m going to try my best to cook a few different meals on the weekends and freeze some leftovers so that I’m not running for a frozen burrito when I’m short on time. I also need to get into the habit of eating more veggies again and maybe not so much bread.
Happy New Year!
Looks great! This year my goal is to cook food on sunday for the entire week at work. I’m not that driven when i get home on the weekdays and I need to stay away from convenience food for lunch (or not eating lunch at all).
How do you mold the flaxseed crackers? like cookies?
I spread them out on these plexi sheets in my dehydrator.