Okay, I couldn’t just do one giveaway. When I went to Food Fight the other day to pick up some extra goodies, doubles kept jumping into my basket.
Boris and Allison R! Please drop me a line at nomblog {ala} gmail {dot} com and I will get your copies of The 100 Best Vegan Baking Recipes and these yummy goodies on their way to your door:
The book, some nom! nom! nom! buttons, a bag of Dandies marshmallows from Chicago Soy Dairy, some candy bars and gummy goodies.
Speaking of Chicago Soy Dairy, I was recently contacted about creating some recipes using Teese, their vegan cheese- so check out the first installment of my teesy-concoctions later this week!
Tagged with: give away
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Cookbook Pictures!
Squirrel’s Vegan Kitchen
Go back in time to my original blog: Squirrel's Vegan Kitchen!Tags
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That is so cool that the Chicago Soy Dairy contacted you about creating recipes for them–congratulations! How cool is that?!?