interview archive
Hey there! I had a fun interview with Barbara Howard from The Recipe Box on BlogTalkRadio. You can listen to it here. I’m on the latter end of the show, but listen to Chef Jill Houk, who offers some family friendly ideas for Halloween and some vegan friendly treats to make for your kids! Barbara has a fun and informative show and I feel really fortunate to have this opportunity to talk with her about vegan baking and our perceptions of veganism and food.
And no, I haven’t forgotten about food, lol. I know it’s been a bit quiet around here lately (there goes vegan MoFo!) but I’ll be back with some recipes and other goodies in the next few days.
Cookbook Pictures!
Squirrel’s Vegan Kitchen
Go back in time to my original blog: Squirrel's Vegan Kitchen!Tags
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