outside our vegan bubble
It’s easy to insulate yourself in the wonderful world of veggies and forget that there are other brands, products and forms of life out there. I’ve come across two things related to veganism in mainstream culture that I thought you’d all be interested in.
The first one came in a coupon book I received in the mail from Target. I don’t expect more than I assume you should from a store like Target. I mean, I’m the first to admit that I love Target, I just bought a pair of incredibly cute all man-made material shoes there a few weeks ago, but they don’t normally deliver the vegan news. And simultaneously I also don’t expect much from L’Oreal. I mean, it’s L’Oreal, so do I really need to say more? Imagine my surprise upon opening my mail and coming across a blurb in an advertisement for some new shampoo and conditioner that reads, “Made with natural botanicals, it’s sulfate-free and 100% vegan.” Wow! It’s a part of their EverPure line, which is labeled as all vegan. I remember years ago hearing people poo-poo the impact of a veganism and down play the effect of voting with your dollars by not buying from major companies. We are a fraction of the vegetarian population, who is a fraction of the population at large. To them I say, “Ha! Check it!” Here a major cosmetics company trying to make vegan-friendly products and advertising them as such- I think companies are hearing us loud and clear.
But do they understand? L’Oreal is still listed on PeTA’s list on companies who still do animal testing. On their website, they state that they stopped doing animal testing on their finished products in 1989, but say nothing about the testing of individual ingredients. While I honestly appreciate that they are trying to create a more Earthy and animal-friendly product, they are still missing the mark. I believe there are plenty of evil companies out there, but I also believe that there are companies who just don’t get it and they need us to help educate them on our demands as consumers. We need to give them some feedback to help them grow and become a cruelty-free company. Click here if you’d like to contact L’Oreal regarding this. Be sure to let them know that they are making strides in the right direction, but that they aren’t really in the vegan category yet. Remember, well-phrased feedback is always more constructive. People who take the “jerk” approach aren’t helping anyone.
In real, constructive veg-related news, Yoga Journal has an excellent article in it’s May issue. (Why am I already getting May issues of anything?) Years ago I had been a long-time YJ subscriber, but dropped it when it started focusing more on Americanized, consumer yoga and less about the eight limbs. Like anything, there is an ebb and flow and they seem to be flowing the right way now, so I happily resubscribed this year. I have been very happy with their inclusion of vegan recipes in the issues I have received, but this particular article was gold. This is the perfect article to pass along to the people in your life who say they care about the environment especially if they are budding yogis. In an article titled “Diet for a Green Planet” they address not only the affects of animal agriculture on the environment but also work on changing the perception of beans as an inadequate source of protein. It is accompanied by two simply veganizable recipes that look delicious. The article is written in a careful and thoughtful way and would be a good read for anyone in your life who is prone to feeling judged when they have their animal-product eating ways questioned. I don’t see the article up on their site yet, but their magazine is widely available and they have tons of other interesting recipes and articles online.
I am putting the finishing touches on the book manuscript and will be done with it in the next few days, so there will be more real food soon. Until then, here is a picture of another favorite recipe in the new book: French Toast Muffins!

French Toast Muffins
Not the greatest food photo in my life, but they are sure to become one of your favorites. I am hoping to get my flickr account all loaded up with cookbook pictures and put up here this week. More noms to come!
10 Responses to outside our vegan bubble
Cookbook Pictures!
Squirrel’s Vegan Kitchen
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Wow! Those muffins with a side fruit would make it easy to get up in the morning!
French toast muffins…yum!
I, too, just recently re-subscribed to Yoga Journal and found it far more interesting than ever before.
Good for L’Oreal for taking a step in the right direction. Hopefully, we can help them go all the way.
Those muffins look fabulous! I love the idea of French Toast muffins! And I agree about L’Oreal–what they need is more encouragement.
I don’t mind shopping at Target either. They do have some nice eco-friendly, vegan products. Encouragement for the big corps is a great idea! I routinely applaud local startups, so why not the big guys too!
French Toast Muffins??!!!! They look incredible. I am so looking forward to the new book.
Very interesting – Go vegans! I know I have pretty much transitioned my buying habits to exclude a lot of mainstream companies and buy more from eco-friendly / animal-friendly companies instead. I guess more and more people are doing this too. Fantastic!
I love pumpkin! Thanks for the reepcis. I’ve been making pumpkin pie oatmeal lately. I froze some pumpkin puree in an ice cube tray. For every serving of oatmeal I add one pumpkin cube and then some cinnamon and nutmeg. :)Erica’s latest blog post:
that’s exactly what i thought when i read about L’Oreal – “don’t they still animal test?!?” i’ll leave them a constructive & gentle comment and give them a heads up – thanks! and you’re right – the “jerk” approach isn’t the best – keeping it nice ‘n positive keeps people more open-minded which may promote more good change.
that’s so cool on the yoga journal article! when i subscribed my parents to Vegetarian Times (in hopes of them enjoying more veggie yummies – and they do now! superw00t!) they had an offer to get the yogo journal for just a few additional dollars. i signed them up for the subscription as my mom is slowly becoming more & more interested in yoga. i hope she reads the article & passes some of the information along to her friends & people in our family. and the Audubon Magazine had an awesome article on the low-carbon diet that made some rock’n points about veganism: http://audubonmagazine.org/features0901/viewpoint.html
hooray for happy vegan awesomeness!
french toast muffins?!? sweet batman – those have gotta be the most glorious yummies ever! mmmmmmmm!
What a fabulous muffin idea!, I haven’t had french toast in ages, and I’m sure these would be the perfect fix!
That comment on the photos was just you trying to make me feel better about mine. Admit it.
I’ve been noticing more and more mentions in the media of the environmental damage that high-density feedlots, etc do. Works for me!
French toast muffins??? Nom!!!
I think you’re right, we need to encourage more, and bitch less.