a taste of summer and a new video!
This post is chock full of tasty goodness (a quick but satisfying recipe and a new video!) so let’s just jump right in.
First off, here’s the video. It’s the first in a two part series on cake baking and decorating. If you’re intimidated by baking a cake or just want to hear me blabber about how awesome and easy it is to make a cake (plus see some of my kitchen toys), take a look! In this episode we discuss the tools of the trade. This video is also up on iTunes, if you subscribe to nom! nom! nom!
Yesterday was glorious. Sun was shining, the trees were greener than I ever remember them being. Flowers were blooming every which way and wild life could be seen at ever turn. I walked some of the amazing paths that line the Willamette River and basked in the glory of spring. It was so warm I broke a sweat. This is it, people. Spring has sprung in Oregon!
In many other parts of the country, where you’ve been experiencing heat and humidity for awhile now, this is no big deal. Here, though, it’s cause for celebration. A celebration of the nomtastic, warm-weather indulgent kind.
I hesitate to even call this a recipe, as it’s so basic it’s really more of a guideline. These cold morsels of nomness contain the trifecta of flavor- banana, peanut butter and chocolate, making for a luxurious ice cream-esque bite. You can always substitute a different nut butter.
2 large bananas
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
1/2 cup chocolate chips
2 tbsp-1/4 cup milk of choice
Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper or parchment. Slice bananas into coins about 1/2-3/4 inch thick. Spread a little dollop of peanut butter on top of each one. In a small bowl, combine the chocolate chips and milk (remember, less is more). Microwave in 15 second increments until you can whisk them together. You want it to be a dipable consistency, not spreadable. Add a splash more milk if necessary. Dip the banana chunks using a fork as a little chocolate-coating forklift, dipping them into the melted chocolate. Place chocolate coated bananas on the prepared sheet and place in freezer until completely frozen (3-5 hours). Remove frozen banana chunks from the sheet and store in a freezer container.
95 Responses to a taste of summer and a new video!
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I now know what I am doing with the 2 bananas I have left at home this afternoon….Holy Yum. Forget banana bread!! lol
Thanks for this video! Love it! I’m going to chuck all my Teflon pans (I didn’t know!) and get aluminum ones asap!
[…] these sinfully delicious looking chocolate covered, pnut butter smeared […]
How long can you freeze these?
I’ve kept them in the freezer close to 2 months. After that they start to get a little freezer burnt.
What is “freezer burnt”?
When something freezes, unfreezes and then refreezes, you know when there is that frost on food and it just tastes off? That’s freezer burn.
I am definitely going to try these. So easy and looks so good.
This looks soo yummy ! I can’t wait to make them!!!!
This look so good!!!! I can’t wait to make them chocolate & banana’s my to favorite things !
[…] Chocolate/Peanut Butter Covered Bananas (dessert) – This combination is FANTASTIC! And I love bite sized desserts especially if there are dessert options…leaves room to sample everything! […]
Do these serve well at room temp, or would they melt? Wondering about putting them in kids’ lunches..
Unfortunately, they need to stay cold. Once the banana is frozen, it’s very ice cream-like.
They would be mushy I am guessing.
What happens if you put them in the fridge, not the freezer?
The chocolate will firm up, but they won’t be as creamy in the middle. Also, they keep for quite awhile in the freezer, where in the fridge, with the fresh banana, I’d say you’d be lucky if you got a week out of them.
Yes, but can I serve them at a get-together? Will they fall apart as they warm up? How long will they stand up?
Think of them as an ice cream treat.
Can you use soy or almond milk?
Absolutely! Either would be fine.
Love this idea! So easy but definitely delicious! Going to try this out soon!
I made these recently and they taste so good but here is the issue that I had. They are so cold when you bite into them from being in the freezer, but yet you can’t leave them out for very long because they get so mushy and messy. Any tips?
I’m not sure what to advise. I typically kind of suck on them to warm them up while chowing down.
Well thanks anyway. I thought I could possibly slice the bananas thinner or use a fondant or something.
I made these last night. i made them with the intent to use them right away for a party treat. so i put one batch in the fridge and one in the freezer. the ones in the freezer didn’t set any faster. and they were very cold. i have sensitive teeth. couldn’t eat them. the ones in the fridge i ate alot! i kept them in the fridge and took a toothpick to grab one here and there. loved them! gotta say thou that the chocolate didn’t get very thick. might have needed a second coating after setting to get the thickness shown here. other than that very tasty. but very messy to make!
What about chocolate almond bark..then you would just have to refrigerate them and maybe not be so cold.
mine was watery
any advice?
When chocolate has a lower cocoa butter content, it gets meltier. If the chocolate gets too liquidy, in the moment I recommend adding more chocolate to balance out the milk. You can also just let it cool down a little before proceeding- the chocolate will start to firm up.
[…] Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Bites […]
[…] PB Banana Bites […]
Try using chocolate bark coating.
[…] random night, having a way-too-ripe banana in my fruit basket, I decided to try the PB Banana Bites. I was not disappointed, however, they did not turn out quite like […]
You can put paraffin wax in the chocolate to make it firmer. They will then last in lunchboxes from freezer.
I want to make these for a party, but I don’t think they can right? They have to be eaten cold or frozen? I don’t have any way of keeping them frozen at the party.
They are meant to be like an ice cream treat, so they need to stay cold.
you could put them on a tray thats over ice maybe?
@ Ruth… To keep frozen for your party pack them in an air tight/leak proof containers then place them in an ice chest packed over with ice until you are ready to serve. (Enjoy Your instant/portable freezer)
[…] from pictures on pinterest. I found a recipe AFTER I did this here and it’s pretty much exactly what I […]
[…] banana chocolate and peanut butter via pinned by […]
I have a diabetic in my house-i think i’m going to try this using sugar free chocolate chips and see how it goes…
I tried this but the chocolate kept running off the banana’s. It was way too thin. gonna let it freeze then try another layer of chocolate so it looks better. I’ve even put some cornstarch in to make it thicker.
Hmm… what kind of chocolate did you use? You could always let the chocolate cool down more, it should easily thicken as it cools.
[…] recipe idea was found at nomnomnom Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this […]
So you don’t have to freeze the bananas BEFORE you dip?! wouldn’t that make it easier?! I want to make these today for the kids after school snack and if I don’t have to freeze first then I am going for it!! LOL
Nope, no freezing before. Bananas are really sturdy, so it doesn’t affect how well it works.
your video is hilarious–you’re so fun to watch and I just couldn’t stop giggling at your ‘greasing the pan’ explanation when discussing silicone pans. Very entertaining AND educational!!
[…] Kaynak için tıklayın […]
Just made these with almond milk and dark chocolate chips, and if they come out half as good as they tasted while making them, I’m excited!!! Thanks!
hi Kris!
This desert seems sooo delicious but, i want to ask you if i can substitute peanut butter, and what do you suggest in his place.
Thanks and congrats.
Oh, you could use any sort of nut or seed butter. Almond, cashew, sunflower… they’d all work just fine.
[…] cream, and bananas. And, oh wait, what’s that in there? Is that peanut butter? Oh bejeesus, someone went and made my favorite snack even more awesome. I saw these gorgeous banana bites on Pinterest, and my heart immediately started racing a little […]
[…] Thomas’ post workout smoothie, and I had half of a banana left over. I knew I had to make these frozen peanut butter banana bites right away or I would quite possibly die. I saw them months ago on Pinterest, and they were so worth […]
I’m just wondering how this would work if you melted the Peanut Butter and Chocolate together, rather than spreading the PB on the bananas? When making Muddy Buddies, you melt them together, and the consistency is decent…any thoughts?
I think it would theoretically work, but the PB would compromise the cocoa butter’s hardening properties and they would remain tacky even after freezing.
[…] am ADDICTED to Pinterest!! Unlike many others, I acutally try my pins! So my pin try of the week is Peanut Butter Banana Bites! It’s from a cool blog that I found through […]
Thought I’d let you know I referenced your recipe on my blog! I found this on Pinterest and YUM!!! Thanks!!
Thanks, Andrea!
I am SO making these banana bites!!! Thanks for sharing the idea; just talking earlier today about doing this but hadn’t thought to add peanut butter. That’ll make them even yummier!
Could you do these without the chocolate?
You could, but you would need to keep them in a single layer. The PB would stay tacky and it would become a giant lump.
[…] time I wanted something really special and I had seen this idea from another blogger on Pinterest so I decided to make my own […]
[…] I have no words for this, except maybe “Please sir? Can I have some more?” Chocolate covered peanut butter banana bites from Nom Nom Nom Blog […]
[…] Here’s a link to post I found making chocolate peanut butter bananas: Nom Nom Nom Blog! […]
Oh, these are SO YUMMY!! I found these on Pinterest and made then yesterday. In regards to how long they can stay in the freezer..they will NEVER last 2 months – between myself and my toddler, they won’t even last two days
We will have to have more self control with the next batch…which will be soon!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying them, Deborah!
[…] I saw this recipe on Pinterest and thought, I must have these immediately! I had all the ingredients, and got so […]
I made these last week! So fast and easy. For a “healthier” version I subsituted almond butter for the peanut butter and used dark all natural chocolate. I sliced the banana to be about a half inch thick which helped with the cold-to-the-teeth problem mentioned above. They turned out wonderful my little sister has the biggest sweet tooth and she couldn’t stop eating them! They were a hit.
Yummy…. mine did not turn out quite and neat looking as yours… I’m still working on perfecting my ‘culinary’ skills…. but – instead of using chocolate chips – I used left over chocolat-candy coating I used for my cake pops for easter – so I used different colours…. very cool. Did I mention YUMMY!?
Would this work with carob?
I’m honestly not sure… I don’t know if the fat solids in carob would reharden appropriately. Worst case scenario, the carob would be soft rather than hard.
[…] Full post and instructions over at Nom Nom Nom […]
[…] […]
[…] banana chocolate and peanut butter via pinned by […]
[…] I found this at: https://nomnomnomblog.com/2011/05/11/a-taste-of-summer-and-a-new-video/ […]
[…] check out my Kids Snacks board on Pinterest for ideas. This week, The Little Apple picked these Chocolate PB Banana Bites from nom!nom!nom!. I also thought he would enjoy making some chocolate covered banana […]
great treat!…I added nuts on top
These look great! I want to make them for a party I am having, but it will be outside and it is 90 out…do you think they will work?
Also, I was wondering about using apples for the banana and maybe subbing in white chocolate for the chocolate–what do you think?
They seem like they would be very cold to bite into. Do you think I could warm them up in the microwave first?
[…] You can check out the original recipe at: Nom!nom!nom […]
This is pure genius!
Made these and they are fantastic!! Only change I made was 1/2 bag of semi-sweet choc chips and 3 TBSP butter and 1 TBSP of water. This made a great heavy coat of smooth chocolate coating.
Looking forward to trying these can eat any store bought treats due to food allergies. This will be fun to try thanks for sharing this
[…] These is so incredibly simple, but such a great, quick snack to have on hand. I modified these recipes from ones I saw over at Show Chef Food and nomnomnom blog. […]
Yum yum! I used nutella (!!!) and dipped them then topped them with coconut and chopped pecans. To. Die. For!!
[…] pull out from the cups. Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Bites Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Bites from nom! nom! nom! blog 2 large bananas 1/4 cup peanut butter 1/2 cup chocolate chips 2 tbsp-1/4 cup […]
[…] or 5 hours and new stuff just keeps popping up. Finally he was ready, so I quickly re-pinned PB ‘Nana Cream Bites from nom!nom!nom!blog. Without Pinterest, I would never have found this. And with out my addiction […]
I’ve never mixed milk and chocolate chips before. Should the milk be room temperature prior to mixing? Will it curdle in the warm chocolate?
The milk and chocolate get heated together, so the milk can be any temp to start. You are heating enough to make the cocoa butter melt, which is still much cooler than boiling, so the milk will be fine.
I just tried this with almond milk and Enjoy Life chocolate chunks. They look gorgeous. Probably could have added a wee bit more milk (ran out of chocolate). I also started with frozen bananas. It was all we had, and they slice easily enough. However, it left me feeling pretty rushed because I didn’t want them to thaw out first!
Courtney: apples and other juicy fruit don’t freeze well -they get soggy/mushy. This is OK if you’re blending them in a freezer, but not when you want a finger-food. Bananas are mushy anyway, so they are fine. When you buy frozen fruit in the grocery store it is ‘flash frozen’ quickly to prevent damage. I agree they seem a little cold to bite into: I am going to try letting room temperature warm them up a bit, otherwise the chocolate may melt.
I made these 2 nights ago. I used a lot more peanut butter and I used candy chocolate instead of chocolate chips. Mine didn’t come out as pretty as yours did but they were a HIT. I ate half the tray myself lol. I will be making these again and again. Thanks
I wonder how this would work with the ice cream “shell” chocolate? Has anyone tried it?
Oh my gosh you guys are making this 3 ingredient “recipe” so difficult for yourselves! Just follow the recipe as she wrote it, heed the warnings, and you have a wonderful FROZEN treat. It’s that easy!
Krss I took one banana and dipped it into nutella wih almond milk and then I took the other banana and dipped it into chocolate chips and white chocolatecarmel coffee cream will let you know how it turned out . Thank you for the suggested idea
[…] Peanut butter and banana bites […]